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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Social Networks

As an instructor how close is too close?  Some people look at Facebook and other social networks as just that social.  But, the harsh reality is that the world is changing and as people become more tech savvy so are their methods of communication.  The days of meeting up at the library or someone’s home for late night study groups are thing of the past.   As educators we have one of two choices embrace the changes or get left behind. 

For those that feel some aspects of your life should not remain separate.  I suggest you do just that create a separate life for your social (personal) networks and another for your professional networks.  Because, weather you like it or not your tech savvy students and associates are going to find you.  So instead of attempting to avoid the unavoidable use the technology to educate and provided valuable information to your professional networks.  And create a separate profile for your personal networks.  It may seem like a little extra work but it will afford you the privacy you desire.

1 comment:

  1. Social networks are tricky. This form of technology makes it real easy for lines to be crossed. It can be hard to stay out of the gray area, but needed.

    At the community college were I teach, students often invite to their homes and try to give me end of semester gifts. Although I appreciate the gesture, I refuse because of the appearance of impropriety. For students online, the professors and instructors need to set the rules early as well.
